My Story
I was born in Bulgaria in 1986, growing up in a home where art and poetry were the very essence of life, thanks to my artist father and poet mother. This rich environment was the catalyst for my journey into the arts. My early education at the National High School of Arts in Varna paved the way for further exploration, and I soon found myself immersed in the cultural heartbeat of Paris, studying Plastic Arts at the Sorbonne.
My work started to gain traction early on, with a nomination for the Cartier-Bresson Award by the Bulgarian Cultural Institute in Paris. Over the years, I've had the privilege of showcasing my work in 55 exhibitions across Europe, Asia, North America and Australia.
In 2011, I launched Eastern Europe’s first online art gallery, which provided the financial independence needed to pursue my personal projects. The role of an art dealer allowed me to explore long-term artistic endeavors with the freedom to express my vision authentically. This led to the creation of the PhotoAnthology Foundation in 2021, a non-profit dedicated to socially impactful documentary projects.
One of my most significant works is "The Last Man Standing In The Rhodope Mountains," a photobook published in 2022. This 14-year project involved exploring 985 villages in the Rhodope Mountains, documenting one of the last remaining authentic communities in contemporary Europe. This journey, filled with nights spent in tents and encounters with the wild, resulted in a deeply personal and cultural narrative. The book is now part of prestigious collections, including MoMA in New York, MEP Paris, and the Museum of Photography in Berlin.
My latest project, "Father and Son," is an international exploration of the emotional bonds between fathers and sons, aiming to highlight the intimate and often unspoken connection between generations, set against the backdrop of their cultural heritage. The project has received international acclaim, winning the Sony World Photography Professional Awards, the LensCulture Portrait Awards, and the Cortona On The Move Award, among others. It has become a cross-cultural phenomenon, capturing stories from 9 countries.
Through my diverse projects, I seek to capture the essence of our shared experiences and foster a deeper understanding of the human condition. Whether it’s exploring the silent bonds between fathers and sons or addressing environmental concerns, my work aims to ignite conversations and encourage a more empathetic and connected world.
2024 Sony World Photography Professional Awards, World Photography Organisation
winner, portraiture
2023 Cortona On The Move Award, Cortona On The Move and LensCulture
2023 LensCulture Portrait Awards, LensCulture
juror's pick
2023 Gomma Photography Grant, Gomma
third prize winner
2023 Head On Portrait Awards, Head On Foundation
2023 The Kuala Lumpur International Photoawards
2023 Meitar Award For Excellence In Photography, PHOTO IS:RAEL and the Zvi and Ofra Meitar Family Fund
2007 HCB Award, Fondation Henri Cartier-Bresson
nominated by The Bulgarian Cultural Institute in Paris
Essays about my work:
When A Baby Is Born, So Is A Father by Ignacio Pereyra, Recalculating EN ES
Father and Son by Magali Duzant, LensCulture EN
Prendre Un Homme Par La Main by Mathieu Palain, Kometa FR
It’s simple, we just overcomplicate it by Roberta Bertók, Hype&Hyper EN
The Naïve Orpheus by Alis Sandalova EN
Street Photo Lab: 5 кадъра с Валерий Пощаров BG
БНТ: "Баща и син" - фотографска изложба на Валерий Пощаров BG
БНР (Радио Шумен): Бащи и синове се хващат за ръце BG
БНР (Христо Ботев): Правото да грешиш във фотографията BG
БНР (Христо Ботев): Валерий Пощаров – човекът на пиедестал BG
ARTE: Die Kultursendung von ARTE EN DE FR
Hot Mirror: Valery Poshtarov’s Intimate Journey with Fathers & Sons EN
Bulgarian Photography: Репортаж от фотографската изложба "Баща и син" на Валерий Пощаров в Пловдив BG
The Guardian: Sons, when did you last hold your father’s hand? Valery Poshtarov’s best photograph EN
Artdoc: Holding hands as a sign of humain connection EN
Courrier international: Duos de famille FR
Fotopolis: Valery Poshtarov i jego poruszający projekt "Father and Son" PL
24 Часа: Валерий Пощаров: Фотографията е тишина. Чиста колкото зрителя BG
Bgonair: Роден фотограф спечели голяма международна награда BG
bTV: „Хвани ръката ми, татко“: Фотограф заснема над 300 двойки бащи и порасналите им синове BG
БНР (Радио България): Фотографът Валерий Пощаров за силата да се хванем за ръка BG
Darik: Валерий Пощаров спечели международна награда за фотография на “Сони” BG
Euronews Bulgaria: Български фотограф спечели световна награда за проекта "Бащи и синове” BG
БНР (Хоризонт): Валерий Пощаров: Винаги търсим една ръка, за която да се хванем BG
Obscura Magazine: Непреходното и хуманното във фотографията на Валерий Пощаров BG
БНР (Радио Шумен): Ръка за ръка BG
Antrakt: I don’t take photos of people, I bow to them BG EN
БГ Радио: Интервю с Валерий Пощаров за фото проекта "Баща и син" BG
ТВ1: Валерий Пощаров за много личния фото проект "Баща и син" BG
БТВ: Бащи и синове BG
Дигитални истории: Баща и син. Щафетата на живота. BG
БНР (Радио София): Да се качиш на сцената на своя живот BG
БНР (Радио Шумен): Бащи и синове ръка за ръка BG
Капитал: 20 въпроса | Валерий Пощаров BG (Paid Access)
Знаме: Бащи и синове се хващат за ръка пред камерата на Валерий Пощаров BG
Photoworld LIVE: еп. 6, гост Валерий Пощаров BG
БНР (Радио Видин): Фотопроектът "Баща и син" идва във Видин BG
БНТ: Фотограф напомня за изгубените родови връзки BG
Вяра: Фотограф снима пораснали синове и техните бащи, хванати за ръка BG
Капитал: В търсене на "последния човек на Родопите" BG (Paid Access)
егоист: Валерий Пощаров за фотографията и живота BG
БНР (Радио Варна): Валерий Пощаров: Когато поставим в рамка една реалност, тя добива смисъл, добива значение BG
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* the portrait above: Valery Poshtarov by Florian Demirev, 2022